Illuminating Engineering Society

Case Study
Increase in open rates
Increase in click rates
clicks than industry benchmarks


IES faced a variety of challenges with its previous vendor. There was a lack of a relationship between the two staff, which provided to be difficult when trying to improve their career center. Additionally, slow revenue growth was attributed to a lack of marketing support. IES's previous vendor did not offer marketing support to help promote the career center to members, prospects, and employers. Beyond that, the career center they previously had was not user-friendly which deterred members from using that resource.


Web Scribble listened to IES and their concerns and ultimately provided them with a true partnership. Before relaunching its career center, Web Scribble provided status updates for projects and assisted IES through the whole launch process. IES was provided with strategic marketing support including marketing copy, social media images, and email templates. Our Customer Success Team guided IES through the launch with resources for a successful launch like blogs and ebooks, as well as dedicated support along the way. In the end, the IES Career Center was upgraded to a user-friendly and mobile-optimized platform that has the capability to output reports that will help IES make informed decisions in the future.


The Web Scribble and IES partnership didn't stop after the initial launch. IES has regular meetings with its dedicated customer success manager to review career center performance and plan future marketing initiatives. IES expects to see an increase in non-dues revenue as more job seekers and employers use the career center.
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.
Jensen Ackles
Animation Designer
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
Dwayne Johnson
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
Jared Padalecki
Content Creator
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
James Brown
Membership director

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