National Council for Mental Wellbeing | Digital Recruitment Guide

Case Study
Increase in open rates
Increase in click rates
clicks than industry benchmarks


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The National Council canceled their annual event, NatCon, which was estimated to have 6,000+ attendees. This recruitment guide was to assist attendees to find new job opportunities. AD space in the recruitment guide had already been sold and find a solution to keep that revenue and help employers find the qualified candidates.


To maintain a positive ROI from the printed guide, The National Council and Web Scribble decided to pivot and turn it into a digital recruitment guide. An aggressive digital marketing campaign was created and implemented across multiple platforms including social media, email, and promotion on their website.


With a digital guide, The National Council was able to expand their reach through social media, email newsletters, and website visitors beyond the 6,000+ attendees. This digital guide is a piece of evergreen content The National Council can use and refresh as often as necessary. Beyond that, the digital recruitment guide is an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative.
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.
Jensen Ackles
Animation Designer
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
Dwayne Johnson
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
Jared Padalecki
Content Creator
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
James Brown
Membership director

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