National Council for Mental Wellbeing

Case Study
Increase in open rates
Increase in click rates
clicks than industry benchmarks


The National Council was facing a continuous decline in non-dues revenue, they were looking for a solution that would seamlessly integrate with their current AMS and provide them the data to make informed decisions in regards to their member's needs. The National Council also wanted a job board vendor that offered superior customer service.


The National Council partnered with Web Scribble because of its integration capabilities, sales, and marketing support, and open communication to understand challenges and design a collaborative solution.


The National Council increased its non-dues revenue by 62% in the first year. Employers received 147% more applicants, job seeker registrations tripled, and overall traffic grew in that first year.
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.
Jensen Ackles
Animation Designer
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
Dwayne Johnson
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue.The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
Jared Padalecki
Content Creator
“The unique, hands-off design of Web Scribble for the association staff is applauded for its ability to generate non-dues revenue”
James Brown
Membership director

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