National Council for Mental Wellbeing | Digital Recruitment Guide

National Council for Mental Wellbeing is the nation's voice of mental health and addiction providers who care for 10 million adults and children. The National Council is committed to all Americans Disability Management Employer Coalition having access to comprehensive, high-quality care that affords every opportunity for recovery.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, The National Council canceled their annual event, NatCon, which was estimated to have 6,000+ attendees. This recruitment guide was to assist attendees to find new job opportunities. AD space in the recruitment guide had already been sold and find a solution to keep that revenue and help employers find the qualified candidates.
To maintain a positive ROI from the printed guide, The National Council and Web Scribble decided to pivot and turn it into a digital recruitment guide. An aggressive digital marketing campaign was created and implemented across multiple platforms including social media, email, and promotion on their website.
With a digital guide, The National Council was able to expand their reach through social media, email newsletters, and website visitors beyond the 6,000+ attendees. This digital guide is a piece of evergreen content The National Council can use and refresh as often as necessary. Beyond that, the digital recruitment guide is an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative.

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