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3 Foolproof Ways to Save Time and Money for Associations

Time is money, and most associations are looking to save both!

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Time is money, and most associations are looking to save both.

Let’s be honest, we could all use a little more time and money in our lives. But for associations, these two resources are paramount to the success and growth of their organization.

According to GrowthZone’s 2018 Association Annual Survey, one of the top challenges that associations report is a lack of funding. One respondent was even quoted saying, “We need more money!”

Your association runs on a limited budget, works with limited resources, and has a limited time span to get all of its tasks done. This can leave you stressed out and looking for ways to work around these restrictions. Chances are you’ve heard of a “life-hack” before. Once a trendy topic that started on sites like Buzzfeed and YouTube has now become a common nomenclature in our everyday lives.

Typically, a life-hack shows people a new way to perform a task that cuts corners while still resulting in an effective product. It’s unique, interesting, and saves time and money for users. Sounds like the ultimate solution, right? Well, did you know your association can follow the same structure to gain back some of its valuable time and budget? It’s true.

Whether through a professional service, a clever tip, or even a job board software (like ours here!), here are 3 innovative ideas that could save your association its time and money.

1. Website hosts

A website host is a great way to save your association time while also giving your site an amazing look.

Research done by Ironpaper shows that 94% of people state that poor web design leads to mistrust or rejection from its customers. Essentially, a poorly designed site can lead to a decrease in engagement and revenue. However, building a website takes a lot of time and resources. If your association doesn’t have a team experienced in web design, you might have to pay a lot of money to hire one. On top of that, hearing back from web designers and coders can be a long wait. The entire process could take months and come at a high cost.

This is where the value of a website host comes in. A low-cost way to create a powerful website can help any association looking for a solution to their web design troubles.

So, what is a website host? What does it do, and why is a web host such a good investment?

A website host is an internet hosting service that allows businesses and individuals create and manage their own website for personal or commercial use. A website host provides space on their own server which can be bought or leased by customers. They also manage any internet connectivity issues, taking the stress of of your association’s shoulders.

You don’t have to use a website host for your association’s main website. You can use it for event pages, resources, or even as a host for your association’s blog.

There are many great website hosts to choose from. Some of a few are Wix, Squarespace, and HostGator. Whichever host you choose, make sure your they offer complete customization for maximum branding.

Many website hosts also offer free trials to get your association started and offer and inside look at what you can create.If your association is looking to create an amazing website while still saving time and money, check out what a website host can do for you.

2. Visual content

Most likely, your association knows about the power of content marketing by now.

If not, here’s what you should know. According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, 93% of B2B marketers created content for marketing purposes in 2014. In addition, 73% of marketers produced more content than the year prior.

With that in mind, creating content for associations is a great way to increase engagement. However, creating the wrong kind of content can have negative effects.

You don’t want to waste time creating content your members won’t respond to. Researching and Planning strategic content can save your association time and money in the long run.One foolproof way to make content stand out is to implement visual content. According to Inc., content that contains an image produces engagement that is 650% higher than content with just text. That’s right- creating something as simple as an image can skyrocket your association’s engagement rates.

That success isn’t just limited to images either. Creating video content can produce similar results.

Cisco claims that video content will make up almost 80% of all consumer internet traffic. If you’re not keeping up with that type of engagement, it could hurt your association in the long run.

Re-focusing your association’s content strategy can save time and money. In fact, it also has the potential to increase engagement and revenue. There’s no reason to not consider visual content as an option.

Meet with your content team and analyzing your past content’s engagement reach. If your content isn’t getting the type of interaction your association is looking for, it might be time to introduce a new form of content.

There are multiple online tools that can help enhance your association’s content.

For example, Canva is a great tool for creating images and slideshows. You can also use iMovie to produce simple, yet eye catching videos for your members.

Advance your content and cut back on valuable resources that can be better used elsewhere.

3. Job board software

If your association is looking for a way to increase revenue that also saves time?

If so, a job board software might be what you’re looking for.

We know from prior statistics that lack of funding is claimed as the biggest challenge by associations. This is where non-dues revenue are a huge help to those associations looking for an increase in funds.A job board software can save time and money while also giving members a new benefit to look forward to.

How does this work?

Well, a job board service allows your association to host a job board on its website and attract both job seekers and employers alike.

Employers would pay a fee to be able to post their job on your association’s job board. Then, members who have already paid dues have access to a variety of specialized jobs.

While this sounds like a great idea, many associations worry about the cost of a job board. However, Web Scribble offers job boards with absolutely no set-up fee. Learn more today.

There are many options out there for job board software for associations.

However, you want to choose a job board that allows for complete customization. A job board that can be branded to match your association’s website will attract more engagement from job seekers and employers. You also want a job board that is hands-free. Your association will save the most time if your job board is being managed by another team.

A job board is an essential for associations looking to save time and gain money while doing so.

Start saving your resources today.

For many of us, it seems like there’s never enough time in the day. However, for your association that idea can be put in the back of your mind with these time and money saving hacks. Regain your resources by incorporating these foolproof ideas into your association’s everyday routine.