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Connecting Community + Careers

Associations have become trailblazers in providing exceptional educational opportunities, certifications, and learning platforms. However, to further enhance members' success, the next step is to connect them with potential career opportunities.

Nicole Mazzei
Marketing Manager
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Associations are already leading the way when it comes to educational opportunities, certifications, networking, and learning opportunities – the next innovative way to help support members’ success is connecting career opportunities to community. By bringing the career center technology into the fold, it allows for a more holistic approach to an association’s digital ecoscape, helping you engage and serve your members better. 

Help members navigate a challenging job market

Career centers are important in any labor market, but especially in a competitive one like today’s. In associations whose members are highly skilled, highly specialized, and highly educated, the war for talent is even greater than roles where there’s high turnover and a lot of openings. It’s an environment where members have the opportunity to advance their careers faster by potentially changing jobs and finding a new employer. The association serves as a great partner to help guide them along the career path to help them choose the next best opportunity to advance their career. 

Associations are critical to networking and bringing like-minded people together. For those industries that are struggling with hiring, think technology for example - many are experiencing layoffs – the associations serve as a vital support system to help connect members with their next opportunity, as well as people who are going through similar life experiences. Additionally, associations can give them the resources members need to help chart a career path and guide them through what their future could look like. 

Whether the job market is hot or cold in a specific industry, associations should be at the forefront of helping members find their next great opportunity. If you help a member land their next career opportunity, especially during a time of hardship, you’re likely to have a member for life.

Increase member and non-member engagement like never before

When an association provides personalized, relevant and timely career support, and fresh opportunities, they are making a commitment to help their members grow personally and professionally. Help members understand where they are in their career, help them showcase and elevate their skills, and help them understand what they should be looking for in an employer.

The added bonus? Members are really interested and invested in advancing their careers and find career resources and job opportunities insightful, exciting and valuable! Few things are more impactful to members than the opportunity to advance their career and provide a better life for their families.  The result is a more engaged member and non-member audience, increased engagement with email campaigns, lifecycle campaigns, content, and more. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

For many associations, their career centers and landing pages that house career opportunities and resources are their top performing pieces of content and most highly trafficked pages on their website for members and non-members alike. By supporting and helping protect your members’ careers with the delivery of dynamic and regular career opportunities, the association’s value and benefits become more accessible and actionable for the membership - helping to drive repeat logins, discussions, and member experience. 

Many associations want to find new ways to engage with the younger crowd and want access to prospective members that are fresh out of college and in the early stages of their careers – the job board becomes a great opportunity for an open-ended member prospecting funnel to bring in those who are searching for careers within a specific industry. What if you could take that a step further and capture more information to help foster and nurture a relationship and bring non-members into the organization sooner? Combining careers with a community does exactly that.

Expand partner value and impact, and increase non-dues revenue 

Connecting careers with community helps bridge the gap between members and employers; but perhaps most importantly, it helps move associations’ missions into the workplace. Professional associations are in a position to make a positive and lasting impression on members by connecting them with reputable organizations that support a similar mission and uphold the same values. This sets up members for a great culture, but also helps advance the association's mission into the workplace, foster industry growth, and help connect employers with highly qualified talent to retain people within the industry.

On the other hand, organizations are trying to fill hard-to-fill roles; the organization can go to an association as a source of talented and qualified candidates to find the right candidate that they were searching for and put an end to lengthy job vacancies. Web Scribble has a powerful network of employers and leverages our deep relationships with employers, recruitment advertising agencies and staffing companies to highlight associations and their membership, as well as position associations as a valued partner in the company’s talent acquisition strategies. For each job posting posted on an association career center, the association receives a revenue split that they can use to pay staff, invest in more member benefits, annual events, etc.


Having a robust career center and lively community that work together seamlessly serves associations and their membership in multiple ways - no matter how you look at it, it’s a win-win for all – jobs are getting filled, members are getting hired, associations are making an impact with non-members and members, and making more non-dues revenue, completely hands-off. To learn about how you can take your membership engagement to the next by partnering careers with community, please visit:

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