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Guest Post: 5 Important Learning Management System (LMS) Integrations

Developing the perfect online learning program can be an investment. Make the most out of your LMS experience, and increase member engagement and create a better overall experience

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The following post is a guest contribution from Web Courseworks - a learning technologies and consulting company in the eLearning industry. Developing the perfect online learning program can be an investment, and it's up to you to make the most of it. If you're looking to get the most value and efficiency out of your Learning Management System (LMS), integrations are the solution. Using different integrations alongside your LMS increases user engagement and creates an overall better experience for each employee. Here are five important LMS integrations that will maximize your success:

  1. Association Management System (AMS)
  2. eCommerce Platform
  3. Virtual Conferencing Software
  4. Job Board Software
  5. Career Pathing (Job Evaluation) Software

Continue reading to explore each integration in more detail.

1. Association Management Software (AMS)

Integrating your LMS with an Association Management Software (AMS) is very common, especially for an association with a lot of members. This is because your AMS keeps track of key contact information and interactions for all employees. When the LMS and AMS are integrated, information is seamlessly sent back and forth. There is no need to create separate accounts and records for each software system because information can be reused and easily found and updated. Many associations invest in an association LMS, which are built specifically to handle continuing education and professional development activities of associations.

2. eCommerce Platform

Many clients find that there are benefits to using eCommerce with their LMS, mainly because it gives people the ability to manage everything in one location. An eCommerce integration saves time and money because transactions and training are tracked and reported using the same system.Also, eCommerce can be custom built to work best with your LMS. Pricing options, certifications, eSignatures, compliance reports, and a handful of other features are offered and easily used with eCommerce software. Common examples of eCommerce software include Shopify, PayPal, Wire Transfer, CyberSource, and more.

3. Virtual Conferencing Software

In light of recent events and the impact of COVID-19, virtual conferencing has become especially necessary in the modern business world. Universities, businesses, and associations around the world have made the switch to online functioning. With virtual conferencing software, companies are able to host real-time virtual events, conferences, and webinars within your learning platform. This eliminates the barrier of a lack of face-to-face interaction, which is vital in running any successful business. Examples include ConferenceNow, GoToWebinar, GoToMeeting, and Zoom.

4. Job Board Software

Integrating your LMS with your is a terrific way to not only help your members advance in their careers by learning new skills and gaining certifications, it's also an excellent opportunity for your organization to increase non-dues revenue when charging for events, training and certification/credentialing opportunities (for members and non-members) when they are searching for new job opportunities. With data-driven insight into which types of training your members are looking for to help with career progression, you create member loyalty, provide relevant content and drive revenue.

5. Career Pathing (Job Evaluation) Software

Your members look to your association to help them with career progression. They want to understand which qualifications and skills are expected to be able to move into higher level positions. With an LMS integration with a product like Web Scribble Career Paths, your members can see exactly what training and certifications they need for a specific job title, creating engaging member interaction. LMS integrations can make or break the overall success of your company, especially for large associations. If you're looking for feature-rich software for your association, read this article by Web Courseworks!