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How to Increase the Quality of Your Association’s Online Traffic

Choosing quality web traffic over quantity is easy and can provide you with great results. Try switching up the way you attract attention to your association’s website with our tips.

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The influx of traffic on your association’s website can be enticing. But if it isn’t the right type of traffic, it won’t help you achieve optimum member engagement and acquisition. With modern technology getting more and more advanced every second (yes, even as you’re reading this), it can be hard not to get swept up in the enticing craze of more. More attention, more instant results, more access to exciting features. But sometimes, more isn’t the answer to everything. No matter how much traffic your association’s website gets, if you aren’t attracting the right audience you won’t see any fruitful results in terms of engagement and acquisition. The only types of individuals you really want on your website are those that are going to genuinely interact, and hopefully come back as a returning customer or member.

Quality over abundance is definitely the route your association should take. So, if you’d like to change the way you attract web traffic, we’ve got the tips you need. Let’s talk about how to switch your focus from quantity to quality, hopefully increasing the value of your marketing efforts.

Use search engines wisely

Did you know organic search using a search engine is the top source of traffic to a website? If this is new information to you, you may have a lot of untapped potential waiting to increase quality web traffic. Organic search is the best way to get to the bottom of what you’re really looking for. Using specific keywords and phrases can bring you to the websites that you’re looking for. So, you’ll want to put yourself in the minds of your target audience when coming up with keywords to use in search engine optimization (or SEO). Using this knowledge of organic search volume and knowing your own target audience can help your association out immensely. Using what you know, you can research what keywords and phrases your audience uses when searching industry related topics. You can then sprinkle those keywords into your web pages any way you choose- whether it’s in related content, in web page titles, within the URL, etc. All of these steps will help increase your association’s search engine ranking and help you attract internet users with a genuine interest in what you have to offer.

Boost organic search with long-form content

While short-form content seems to be all the rage these days, it’s actually beneficial for your organic search rankings and quality of traffic. According to Hubspot as well as multiple marketing platforms alike, long-form content receives more shares over its shorter counterpart. While a word count that’s over 2500 words tends to get the most shares, a word count of around 2000-2249 words still receives some pretty high results.

On top of this, long-form content also attracts better organic traffic. A blog post with a word count between 225-2500 words seems to have the highest organic traffic rate, while as a post with 500-749 words has the worst. With longer content comes better organic traffic results. So, it’s apparent that your association should focus on really providing within its blog content. You should be writing pieces that offer solid advice and information, instead of giving your audience bulleted lists or one paragraph posts. This can help you keep the attention of those individuals that are actually interested in what you have to offer.

Use targeted marketing

Want to make sure your targeted audience is visiting your website? Market your website specifically to them. Targeted marketing allows you to find exactly who you’d like to promote your offers and services to. It gives you a direct line of contact while eliminating any other individual who doesn’t fit into your association’s member personas. Targeted marketing is easy when using an online marketing platform like Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. Tools like this allow you to set key metrics for who you’d like to reach- things like age, occupation, interests, and more. It then takes these requests and finds your audiences on multiple online platforms, directing your marketing messages to them.

Using a targeted marketing system in your web marketing strategy will allow you to have direct access to quality individuals and lure them in with interesting marketing materials. Choosing quality web traffic over quantity is easy and can provide you with great results. Try switching up the way you attract attention to your association’s website with our tips.