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How to Promote Your Association's Job Board on Social Media

Let's go over the best way to use social media as a promotional option. We'll go over three social media platforms you can use to get the word out about your valuable job listings and show you some ways to promote your job board.

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In the world of job board software, getting the word out about your association's service can mean a huge difference in the amount of revenue you bring in. But with the same promotion routine, you. might start to notice that your efforts aren't getting you the attention they used to. If you've run your promotional materials into the ground, it's time to talk about some new methods of promotion- and how social media can actually help.

In the past, we've covered the benefits of social media integration for your job board in a #WebScribbleWednesday post. But we've never discussed the power behind using social media to promote your job board. Social media is typically seen as a tool to boost association engagement, and that it is. In fact, it's a great way to reach out to your current members and bring in a brand new audience. But the same can be said for the state of your job board.

The truth is, there's a lot to be gained from a proper promotional strategy that incorporates social media. You can reach a wider audience on a free, tech-savvy platform, and even score more revenue from employers by promoting your job posts to a refined target audience. What more could you ask for?

This week on #WebScribbleWednesday, we're going over the best way to use social media as a promotional option (and score more revenue in the process). We'll go over three social media platforms you can use to get the word out about your valuable job listings, and even give you a promotional plan for each platform. If this is something you've been searching for in your job board promotion efforts, you've come to the right place. Check out our latest episode of #WebScribbleWednesday here: How to Promote Your Job Board on Social Media.

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