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Micro-Content: What Is It and How Your Association Can Benefit

What is micro-content and should it be something your association devotes time and resources to it? We’ve got some tips on how to make micro-content that your association can benefit from!

Holiday Shaped Cookies on White and Grey Textiles

Looking for a way to catch the attention of your always-busy members? Micro-content could be the answer to your association’s engagement problems. According to The Telegraph, humans have a shorter attention span than goldfish. In fact, the average attention span has dropped from 12 seconds to an almost embarrassing eight seconds. And in eight seconds, it can be hard to catch the attention of audiences your association is trying to attract.

This is where micro-content can come into play. Much shorter and easier to digest than normal length content, micro-content is usually described as written, imagery, and/or video content that can be consumed in as little as 10-30 seconds. That’s right, in just under a minute you have the opportunity to reel in potential and current members and get them interested in the information you’re looking to provide. So, how do you get started? If micro-content sounds like the plan for you, we’ve got some tips on how to make micro-content that your association can benefit from. Without any hesitation, let’s get into the world of micro-content.

Micro-content: The basics

So, what is micro-content? Well, if we were to take the metaphysical approach and explain micro-content using micro-content, it would leave you with a lot more questions than you started with. Instead, we’ll continue with our long-form content and give you a better picture of what micro-content can be. As mentioned before, micro-content is any type of content that can be consumed in 10-30 seconds. This can be any form of content your association feels works best. Be it text, image, or video, micro-content is a burst of information that audiences can soak in and engage with in less time than it take for most web pages to load.

Micro content is a great way to answer very concise and specific questions for an audience. Think about content like infographics, tables and charts, and social media posts. All count as interesting micro-content that your association can capitalize on. But it’s not just the obvious that count as micro-content. The truth is, your association is using micro-content possibly everyday. Email subject lines, webpage titles, and even abstracts on white papers can count as micro-content. And with that in mind, you need to make sure your association’s marketing team is at the top of their game when addressing members in every way.

You can even use micro-content to break down longer forms of content, making a miniature version of what members can digest in further detail at their convenience. Think about how beneficial it could be to have a 30 second summary of your association’s long-form content like blog posts and eBooks. It’s a great way to lure in readers and catch the eye of those too busy to stop and engage with complex content! Now that we have a much better breakdown of the micro-content world at its core, let’s take a look at some best practices your association can put into place when creating content of its own.

Social media: The king of micro-engagement

Want an easy way to create short, interesting content? Social media platforms have been giving you the correct outline for years. With short-form content options on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, your association has a great place to start if it wants to dip its toes into micro-content creation. With the average tweet length weighing in at a blunt 28 characters, social media users expect to receive a list of short-form engaging posts that they can both learn from and be entertained by. So, what can your association do to capitalize on this bite size content?

Sit down with your association’s marketing team and come up with ways to market to your audiences through witty tweets and clever social media graphics. Find a way to entertain audiences in a short burst of time, while also giving them a call to action that they can follow up on if interested. A great way to do this is to link any long-form content you want promoted in your micro-content (for example: Take a look at our latest blog post- you can find it here!). Or, you can put a quote from one of your association’s eBooks/white papers onto an aesthetically pleasing image and post it to your Facebook or Instagram. Micro-content can be a great delivery for a much more appealing offer, so don’t skimp out on the incentives in your Tweets and posts!

Numbers can help

Have you ever stumbled across a catchy headline that gave you a number of tips or tricks within the longer content? If this is something you find appealing and tend to click on, you aren’t alone. According to Moz, there are five headlines that seem to hit the mark with engaging readers, and using numbers/listing things out fall under that list. So, if you’re looking to get people interested in your long-form content, start with your micro-content and spruce up those blog titles with numbers and lists.

What do we mean by this? Well, instead of writing a blog title that’s straight to the point and dry, you may want to switch up the way you present your long-form content. For example, an article about professional development could be titled “5 facts you didn’t know about your profession” or “6 ways to enhance your professional experience”. There are so many ways to use numbers in blog titles, and it’s a surefire way to attract more interested readers. Think about the way you construct your blog titles, strategize your micro-content to promote long-form content, and you’re on your way to a great engagement hack.

Target your audience

Just like with your normal content, micro-content should reach the right audience at the right time. Targeting your market audience should always be a top priority regardless of the length of content you’re looking to push. When it comes to targeting an audience for micro-content, you want to think about the purpose of said content. Are you looking to reach members who may otherwise ignore long-form content? Are you looking to attract new audiences by using bite-size samples of your original content? The purpose will drive your association to building an appropriate audience.

Once you figure out your purpose, you need to think about characteristics of audience members that would allow them to fall into your target audience. So, if you’re trying to target audiences who typically do not digest long-form content, perhaps you want to target your members with low engagement rates, busy schedules, and with little free time in their day. Whatever purpose you choose, be sure to match up audience members that have characteristics that match. Developing a separate target audience for micro-content will give you a much more accurate read on how to better reach audiences, making it much more impactful. Don’t let your association miss out on all of the content opportunities available. Get a grip on micro-content, and start producing some of your own.