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3 Organizational Tools for the Ultimate Association Management

With the everyday tasks and larger planning that goes into running an association, it can feel overwhelming trying to keep it all organized. Don't worry, there's an app for that!

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Being organized in your everyday life is one feat to tackle, but what do you do when you have the manage an entire association? With all of the everyday tasks and larger planning that goes into running an association and making members happy, you may feel disoriented trying to get everything together in time. It can be hard to manage so many people and activities every single day while also trying to get your own work done.

But as we know, technology can really save the day in almost every situation- especially when it comes to organization. If you’re someone who loves keeping all of your tasks on a schedule and using software to steer you in the right direction, you may want to hear about some newer tools that you can add to your current management strategy.

Whether you’re well versed in management technology or just starting to get a grip on new organization and management tips, we’re going to show you 3 tools and software that you may want to give a shot for better association management. There’s always a tool out there for everyone, so don’t shy away from trying out something new to keep you on track!

1. Process Street

Having trouble organizing your staff’s workflow? Process Street could be the tool for you. If you’re an association that likes to track workflow and see where projects are going, a tool that allows you to keep these things organized may work best. You’ll be able to see the progress on an event being planned, work with your team on creating new benefits for members, or anything else you strive to get done at your organization. Process Street is a free service that businesses and organizations alike can use for a variety of great purposes. You can use it to create documents, invite coworkers to collaborate on projects and processes, capture and log important data on, and much more. It gives you so many different ways to create more organized workflow within your association. You can also integrate over 1000+ apps for task automation into Process Street. This is great if your association tends to stick to doing work across multiple apps to get things done. If you want to have files brought in from DropBox and have them sent out through Google Mail, Process Street gives you that type of freedom and accessibility.

2. Google Keep

We’ve all been in this situation at some point in our professional careers: You go to find your notes from a specific meeting or event and you can’t seem to figure out where they’ve been placed. Keeping up with all of the places you inevitably take your meeting notes can be quite tricky if you’re someone that uses multiple spaces. But Google has a solution for you that you may enjoy. Google Keep is a note-taking service that is integrated directly into the Google Suite of tools and software that many organizations are already using. This is great for those associations already incorporating Google tools into their management strategy- you have the ability to keep your notes from meetings and appointments right in the same suite. Google Keep also allows for multiple collaborators to hop onto taken notes. This is great for associations with recurring team meetings who want to get all of their staff on the same page. Having a meeting about marketing to members? Get all of your marketing team collaborating on the same note sheet during your meeting, or have them take individual notes on Google Keep. Whatever works best for you!

3. Airtable

Is your association more focused on organizing data documents like tables and spreadsheets? Airtable could solve your problems. Airtable uses a variety of different views and layouts for associations to view all of their spreadsheets and data at once- from grid, calendar, kanban, and more. There isn’t a shortage of perspectives, giving you the option to choose the one that feels best organized for your association. Airtable also allows you to put tasks and projects into an app-like format, allowing you to mix and match tasks for your association’s staff to create a great workflow. Airtable really gives you so many options to use organization to your benefit in a platform that visually makes sense to you. Airtable also has its own native app, downloadable both on desktop and mobile device. Airtable gives you the freedom to manage your tasks the way you want on any device you want.

There are hundreds of tools that your association can look into using for better management, so don’t let these three limit you to choosing one that resonates with you. However, check out these options if you’d like to see more organization happening for your association in the future.