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How Choosing the Right Colors Can Illuminate Your Association

By thoughtfully selecting colors to implement into your workplace and your brand, you can increase member acquisition and interaction, elevate employee satisfaction, and breathe new life into your association.

Holiday Shaped Cookies on White and Grey Textiles

Humans are remarkably optical creatures. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual and the mind has the outstanding ability to process images 60,000x faster than text. This means that characteristics like size, shape, and coloring all have a tremendous impact on our perception. One trait in particular - color - has been found to have a profound impression on both our mood and our mind. Every shade has the capability to invoke a unique stimulus response. Divergent colors can positively and/or negatively influence a multiplicity of factors such as productivity, memory, behavior. It’s information like this that can help us understand more about humans- and help your association understand more about its members. By thoughtfully selecting colors to implement into your workplace and your brand, you can increase member acquisition and interaction, elevate employee satisfaction, and breathe new life into your association.

If you’re looking to learn more about this insanely interesting phenomenon, and you want to try it out on your own association, you’re in the right place. We’re breaking down color theory to a science- and projecting its benefits onto your association and its members. Let’s take a closer peek at the world of insightful color choice.

Perception is reality

In an evolutionary sense, we were all born with an awareness of color. For instance, green can be observed as a representation of stability and well-being due to its abundant presence in nature. Red can be observed as a representation of passion and intensity due to its association with blood and fire.

Growing up, our experiences intensify the ways in which we understand and perceive different shades and tints. While some ideologies about color remain fairly scientific, others are based on a more personal understanding. Somebody may associate a particular shade of yellow with the timeworn cardigan sported by a terribly mean aunt while another may associate that color with encouraging, star-shaped stickers they received on correct assignments as a child. It’s the same color, but a different emotion attached.

Elements like your culture, gender, upbringing, and even context can influence the emotional reaction provoked by what you see. Like music, the way that certain notes or colors interact with each other can change your perception too

The rainbow connection

The responses drawn from an exposure to distinctive colors are unique to each individual, but trends do exist in the feelings induced by certain shades. With that being said, here are some common ideologies about the influence of different colors which can be applied to benefit your association:


Red can be defined as active, passionate, intense, exciting. Conversely, red is also a color that emulates anger, alarm, and hostility. When humans encounter the vibrant color red, heart rate quickens, blood flow increases, and the neurons and adrenal gland are stimulated. This invigorating shade can intensify energetic feelings, causing actions to become quicker and more powerful.

Red is a good color to use as an accent or if you wish to draw attention to something. However, the overstimulation caused by this color may lead to a reduction in analytical thinking as reactions occur more rapidly when exposed to red.


Yellow can be described as energetic, refreshing, optimistic. When humans observe the bright color yellow, there is a chemical release of serotonin. This increases happiness and provides the body with a boost of energy. Viewing this color offers individuals a warm, wistful feeling. Yellow also has the power to capture attention and enhances the ability to concentrate. Yellow bodes well in creative environments as a way to trigger innovation. This color is exceptional for those who are writers, designers, artists, and other similar positions. However, yellow tends to be the least favorite color of many, appealing less to large groups and causing strain on the eyes with its harsh reflective properties. This can ultimate lead to anxiety if exposed to yellow for too long.


Green is a color evocative of nature, positivity, and relaxation. This soothing color is said to relax the body, alleviate stress, and improve vision.

The association of this color with new life and growth brands it as very encouraging. Furthermore, people who work in green offices have been found to be more satisfied with their positions. However, shade is incredibly important as the wrong shade can instigate feelings of sickness or sluggishness. Green is a great color to use in spaces of high intensity or anxiety as it can soothe and comfort individuals.

Likewise, it’s a suitable color for those who often utilize computers because it serves as a comforting element for the eyes. Darker shades of green are also associated with money and radiate sentiments of wealth.


Blue is perceived as restful, soothing, tranquil. When exposed to the color blue, humans are believed to experience a lower heart rate and blood pressure as well as decreased respiration. This strong color has been determined to stimulate one’s mind, aiding in concentration as well as productivity.Blue does extraordinarily well to induce creativity for those in the fields of science, government, business, technology, and other related ventures. This color has a calming effect and is a common favorite color among individuals, which is beneficial for group spaces. Blue is also shown to emanate dependability and loyalty. However, too much exposure is said to bring about sadness or depressive thoughts as well as a decreased appetite.


White represents cleanliness, modernity, sleekness. It is a very neutral color which can be utilized to convey sophistication and modernity. Blacksignifies dominance, authority, intelligence. This bold color is a symbol of power or high-quality. Neutral, monochromatic looks can make a bold statement. However, especially with white, using simply one color can cause a lack of stimulation. Oppositely, neutrals can work very well as a juxtaposition to tone down or brighten up other colors. For example, black, gray, and brown are darker colors that have the ability to add depth to a room. While these colors don’t describe every potential shade that can be employed, they are representative of the most common and basic colors utilized in the workplace and in marketing. Focusing on the basics is a good place to begin your association’s renovation.

The essence of the office

In the office, picking the right colors can have a tremendous influence on the way people work as well as the way they feel, especially when it’s a space where such an incredible amount of time is spent. Based off of the preceding color descriptions, think about what colors would be best implemented in your workspace. Consider how you’d like to influence your mind, your body, and your emotions. After selecting a combination of colors to further your vision, focus on the shade and intensity of the color. Highly-saturated hues are typically more powerful and stimulating than low-intensity hues which exude a much more soothing effect. Shade and tint are also significant as a way to create more appealing color combinations and influence employees in the right ways. For example, warm shades may make a room feel a few degrees warmer while cooler shades may make a room feel cooler. Your association can use this to your advantage as a technique to reduce costs for heating and cooling bills.

Next, transition your focus to the details. Pay attention to patterns, work surfaces, and the way the colors in the room are interacting. Patterns are distracting and can often cause headaches if used excessively. Furthermore, make an effort to choose lighter colored work spaces such as tables and desks so as to create a lesser contrast between the white paper or screen that employees are often studying. Finally, shift your attention to illumination. None of your color selections matter if they can’t be seen. Make sure you have good lighting – both natural and artificial – spread throughout the office.

Ultimately, despite what the research says, it’s up to you and your associates. As stated before, color triggers a different reaction for all those who see it. What works well for some may be completely different than what works for others.

What you see is what you get

Selecting the right colors for you brand is just as important as selecting the right colors for your workplace. A study titled, ‘Impact of Color in Marketing,’ denotes that 90% of snap judgements on products (dependent on the product) or brands are made based solely on color. In fact, our brains prefer brands that are recognizable, meaning that it’s important to select the “best” colors for your brand when creating an identity. Research has demonstrated that by selecting colors that are different from your competitors, your brand is guaranteed to stand out. Though, unlike choosing colors for the workplace, when choosing colors for your brand, it’s more important to focus on the “fit” of the color as opposed to the response evoked.

So, what exactly does this mean in terms of benefits for your association? Not only does color have the ability to aid in marketing your brand through a deliberately colored logo, but color has an influence on a multiplicity of other decisions made by current or potential members. One vital website component influenced by color is buttons. Many companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Amazon can be identified by their buttons alone. Button’s are the most recognizable part of a brand aside from logo, so they are an important element to focus on. Most interface designs utilize 3 colors: a color for primary buttons or call-to-action, a more subdued color for secondary action, and a third color for functional buttons and general navigation. Dozens of experiments have been conducted to illustrate how conversion rates can be improved by color changes alone. It’s important to utilize the same stylistic formats like width, corners, dimension, etc. paired with color to craft the most positive response.

It may seem trivial, but consistency is key in order to establish your brand. Color is diverse, vibrant, daring - and it should also be deliberate. By focusing on small color changes within the office and within your brand, your association can create an identity which fosters creativity and production in the workplace as well as loyalty and recognition for your members. Color is limitless, you association should be too.