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How Career Centers Drive Engagement When Connected to iMIS

Connecting the career center with an association management system such as iMIS can help professional associations adapt to changing needs of their members, while also generating additional revenue and providing valuable data analytics.

Nicole Mazzei
Marketing Manager
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For professional associations, member engagement is critical for the success and sustainability of the organization. One way to increase engagement is by connecting the association's career center with their association management system (AMS). In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of connecting a robust career center with an AMS – specifically iMIS, with Engagement Scoring to maximize engagement and develop deep member insight.

Seamless Integration

Connecting the career center with the AMS creates a seamless integration between the two systems. Members can access the career center through the AMS portal, making it easy for them to search and apply for job opportunities. This integration provides a convenient and efficient way for members to engage with the association's career center, all while giving the association powerful insight into member activity.

With tight integration to iMIS, clients can easily track and manage career data with their membership database to access a complete and holistic picture of member interactions and history. Activity data (logins, job seekers, applicants, hires, etc.) are automatically sent to iMIS allowing users to use job board activity in Engagement Scoring.

Enhanced Member Experience

Connecting the career center with the AMS can enhance the overall member experience. Members can easily access the career center through the AMS portal, making it more likely that they will explore the career center and engage with the association's resources. The career center becomes a valuable tool for members, providing them with job postings, career advice, and other career-related resources, all in one place, that can help them achieve their professional goals.

Data Analytics

Connecting the career center with an AMS provides valuable and actionable data analytics to make data-driven decisions that can increase engagement with the career center and the association as a whole.

Data on members' career activity can help associations gain a better understanding of their members' needs. This information can provide insights into members' career goals, job interests, and challenges they face in their professional lives. By analyzing this data, associations can tailor their programs, services, and resources to better meet their members' needs.

Associations can also use data on members' career activity to create personalized member communications. For example, an association may send specific job postings or career advice to members based on their interests, skill sets,  and career goals. Personalized communications resonate with association members and often have much higher engagement rates such as open rates, click-rates and increased conversion rates.

By collecting data on members' career activity, associations can identify members who are at risk of not renewing their membership. For example, if a member has recently lost their job, the association can reach out with resources to help them find new job opportunities. By demonstrating value and offering support during challenging times, associations can improve member retention.

Data on members' career activity can help associations identify areas where they can develop new programs and services. For example, if many members are seeking training on a particular skill, the association may create a new training program to meet this need. By offering relevant programs and services, associations can increase member engagement and demonstrate the value of membership.

Associations can use data on members' career activity to identify industry trends. For example, if there is an increase in members seeking training on a specific topic, it may indicate that this is a growing trend in the industry. This information can help associations stay current and relevant, ensuring they are providing the programs and services their members need.

Increased Revenue

Connecting the career center with the AMS can also generate additional revenue for the association. Associations can charge employers a fee to post job opportunities on the career center, generating revenue for the association. This revenue can be used to fund additional resources and programs that can benefit the members and increase engagement with the association. With the iMIS and Web Scribble integration, associations are notified every time a user logs in through SSO and makes a purchase, an activity record is created and sent to iMIS detailing the product(s) purchased.

In conclusion, connecting the career center with an association management system such as iMIS can increase member engagement, enhance the member experience, generate additional revenue, and provide extremely valuable data analytics. As the job market continues to evolve, professional associations will need to adapt to the changing needs of their members, and connecting the career center with the AMS is a great way to help them achieve this goal, as well as prove the association’s value to members and beyond.

To learn more about Web Scribble and the iMIS integration, please visit the iMIS Integration page.