Emergency Nurses Association Launches New Career Center Powered by Web Scribble

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Web Scribble's career center technology facilitates career connections among the emergency nursing community.The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) has partnered with Web Scribble to represent the launch of a new interactive career center. The career center's easy to use interface will serve to connect professionals in the emergency nursing profession with employers, facilitating the discovery of career opportunities in the field. Both employers and job seekers can look forward to a more customized look and feel along with new, sophisticated membership integrations and a refined user experience on both desktop and mobile devices provided by Web Scribble's job board technology.“We're excited to bring our expertise in the association space to ENA and help connect members with new career opportunities,” says Alexey Gutin, CEO of Web Scribble.With a commitment to enrichment and education in the emergency nursing profession, ENA has held its status as the premier association of the emergency nursing community for the past 50 years. The new career center is expected to continue drawing an increasing number of job seekers across the emergency nursing profession. Members and job seekers will not only be able to use the career center's intuitive search functionality to find new opportunities, but they can also sign up for customized job alert emails sent when relevant new jobs are posted that match their specific skills, interests, and experience.Employers will find that access to this vast and highly engaged talent pool is a valuable resource when searching for candidates within the field of emergency nursing. The new features offered at the career center will provide employers the unique opportunity to reach passive job seekers across the profession.The new career center can be found at careers.ena.orgAbout Web ScribbleWeb Scribble provides innovative job board software solutions to hundreds of organizations throughout the United States. Founded in 2001 and based out of Troy, New York, Web Scribble's career centers are designed to drive associations digital recruitment revenues and create a better experience for both the employer and job seeker alike. For more information visitwebscribble.com or call 1-888-706-1394.