
Seamlessly integrate your Career Hub with your Association Management System to gain deep member insight

Seamless AMS integration

Make informed decisions for membership recruiting, marketing and revenue opportunities that grow your association

An icon of increased revenue

New Revenue Opportunities

Your job board collects powerful data on job seekers and members. Use that data to create quality experiences for members that increases member satisfaction.

A digital marketing icon

Personalize Marketing Campaigns

Use the behavior data from your career center to create targeted and relevant email campaigns based on triggers that drives engagement.

A screenshot of Web Scribble's Admin Portal
An icon of charts for analytics

Engagement Data

Your career center collects engagement data based on different touch points and passes that information directly to your AMS.

Icon of two people outlined

Engage New Member Prospects

When a non-member creates an account on your career center, they are added to your AMS and a profile is created for them.

Association Platform Partners

Combine a Web Scribble Career Hub with your favorite association platforms.

We are excited to announce the launch of Higher Logic Thrive Jobs powered by Web Scribble. This latest solution expands the Higher Logic Thrive Platform, allowing your organization to connect community with career development to drive deeper member experiences.

Learn More

Don't see your AMS? Don't worry!
Web Scribble software integrates with 30+ association management systems and other platforms. Please reach out to us if you have an integration question. We are happy to answer your questions!

Integration request
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Let's grow better, together.

Two Web Scribble employees in a meeting Two Web Scribble employees working together in a meetingTwo female Web Scribble employees working together