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How to Use AI to Enhance Your Association’s Member Engagement

Artificial intelligence is on the rise - and with no signs of stopping. If your association is ready to learn more about utilizeing AI, you're in the right spot.

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For those who are up to date with tech trends, there’s no hiding the fact that artificial intelligence is on the rise- and with no signs of stopping. But many companies and organizations are slow to the rise of AI.

In fact, only 15% of businesses are incorporating AI into their tech-related operations. And while 31% of businesses claim to have AI incorporation on their to-do list in the following year, the low number of those currently using it can deter many from following in their footsteps.

And if your association is one of those organizations that are wary about the value of artificial intelligence, you could be scaring yourself away from serious member engagement opportunities. AI is a versatile technology that can be implemented in a variety of ways for almost any association. And for an association struggling to keep their members engaged, AI might be the solution you’ve been waiting for.

This article will show you how to put your doubts aside and consider incorporating artificial intelligence into your association’s member engagement strategy. With the right AI tools and tricks, your association can see serious improvement the way it engages and connects with your entire membership.

Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences are not new to the association world, but with artificial intelligence in the mix, even more engagement can be obtained through this tech-friendly member benefit. Using AI to create a more interactive experience with your association’s virtual conferences can appeal to a wider audience of members. If your members have the option for a hands-on learning experience that they can both benefit from and influence, they’ll have more of an incentive to join in on the fun. You can incorporate chatbot AI tools into your virtual conference that work to answer questions along the way. For example, if you have a large audience that attends your online conferences, you can use this chatbot to mitigate any common questions they may have, while you focus on answering the most valuable queries on the stream. You can also use AI technology to collect behavioral data from members in order to analyze and learn more about their needs. This data can then be funneled back into the content of your virtual events, making sure the topics you cover are ones that members have high interest in and will therefore attend.

Downloadable Content

Looking for an easier way to create valuable content your members will want to engage with? Using AI technology tools can make your downloadable content creation process a breeze. Writing and creating content can take up a lot of your association’s time, and if you’re already scrambling to get everything done in your day, you’ll want all the help you can get. With artificial technology at your fingertips, you can use a variety of tools to help brainstorm, write, and edit your content much faster than you normally would. Let’s start with an AI tool that many use to help record their content ideas: voice-to-text technology. With a voice-to-text tool, you’re able to speak your ideas and have the technology to transcribe your thoughts. This saves you the time of manually typing out your content, easing the process of writing blog articles, ebooks, and other downloadable content your association offers to members. Similarly, you can also use technology that will scan through your written text and search for both spelling and grammar errors. This is great for small staff associations with little time/resources for an editing team. Incorporate an editing software that can adjust its editing style to the tone and context of your writing piece, and you’re in business. With artificial intelligence, your downloadable content will be produced much quicker, giving members more to engage with.

Workplace Organization

Member engagement all boils down to the way your association’s team works. If you have an efficient, collaborative team on your hands, you’ll have a much easier time engaging and connecting with members. But disorganization within your association can lead to mixed messages and confusion when working with members. This is where AI tools come into play. With the technology to help your team collaborate to the best of their ability, you’ll have no excuse to miss out on potential member engagement opportunities. And AI gives associations a plethora of tools to choose from. There are AI platforms that allow your association to organize and promote better communication in the workplace. You can create channels for your association’s staff, separate members into specific groups to boost productivity, and check in on your team any time to make sure things are running smoothly. You can also use task managers and organizational apps that help you keep all of your tasks in one place, track who is taking care of what, comment and collaborate on tasks with other workers, and much more. Task tracking AI takes out the middleman of having to chase after staff members to get projects done on time. Organizing your association’s team with AI will allow you the extra time for engaging members that you deserve.

Marketing Materials

Promoting and marketing your association’s value to potential, new, and current members can keep your mission and name at the core of everyone’s mind. Artificial intelligence can work with your association to do just that. Like many of the other tools we mentioned, there are tons of marketing and public relation management tools that incorporate AI to make your association’s marketing strategy more effective. You can rely on tools like this to fill in the gaps where your association may be lacking in resources, staff, time, and anything in between. There are AI platforms and software to take you through every step of the marketing process. You can use AI to help generate marketing messages to incorporate into your ads and outreach, as well as tools to then predict where these messages would perform best. You can also track your marketing messages using AI and analyze how well they’re performing with your target audience, allowing you to further strategize your future marketing moves. You can also use tools that promote predictive marketing- using AI and collected data to choose the best marketing platform and message for your association’s needs. This eliminates the need to put the task of marketing analytics and  on your staff (again, great for small staff associations). Marketing can make or break your association’s membership recruitment, engagement, and retention.

Don’t let your organization fall victim to a decrease in membership by ruling AI out of the marketing equation. Artificial intelligence can be an intimidating subject, but by utilizing the right tools and software, your association does not have to feel threatened by its presence. Take the next step into the AI world and incorporate some of this technology into your current member engagement strategy.